How It Works!
Easy 4 step process!
How It Works:
Step One: Select a Date & Time
Check with your friends, family or your whomever you want to paint with!! We offer 3 different time slots each day (11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM)! We also have a staff of artists so nearly any date & time works for your party!
Step Two: Secure Your Party!
Fill out the party booking form, if you don't know which painting you'd like to do now, just leave it blank. We can figure it out closer to your party date. Once the form is submitted we will send an invoice within 48 hours for a deposit equivalent to 2 painter's fees. Once that deposit is collected, your party is BOOKED!!
Step Three: Choose Your Painting!
Choose the painting that everyone will paint at your party! We have a wide selection on the Paintings page, or you can always order a custom painting for your party! ($25 charge for custom designs)
Step Four: Relax & Have Fun!
Let your friends, family or whoever is painting know that the party is ON!! All you need is enough seating and table space for each painter, and then just relax and have fun with your friends! (We recommend having plastic tablecloths as paint will get on the tables. We also suggest having tables setup over non-carpeted floors, although there are rarely incidents!)
Call (816) 809-2272 or Email: